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The Liepāja Gift Card is an excellent way to offer an entertaining and fun pastime for both Liepāja residents and city guests together with their families and friends.

Check out the places where you can use Liepāja Gift Card here

  • Buy a Liepāja Gift Card in the Liepāja Region Tourism Information Office – an exciting gift for making great leisure in Liepāja.
  • Liepāja Gift Cards are available in four denomination values – 5, 10, 20 and 50 €, and can be used in various recreational places in Liepāja – in accommodation facilities, in restaurants and cafes, in the theatre, in the active recreation centers, in the SPA and other places.
  • Information about the usage of Liepāja Gift Cards will be attached to the Gift Card so its owner could easily plan their leisure options in Liepāja.

Useful information

Liepāja Gift Cards are valid for 6 months from the date of purchase.

The number of gift card usage places will increase regularly, so please keep track of this list at
