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The origins of “Pūt, vējiņi!” can be traced back to the late 19th century, specifically in the 1870s under the direction of the famous architect Paul Max Bertschy, who initiated the construction of the first concert stage in Liepāja as part of the resort complex. This stage, featuring a small platform, was inaugurated in 1875. It became a beloved cultural enjoyment and recreation spot for many city spa visitors, as well as the residents themselves.

The restored concert garden “Pūt, vējiņi!” is a modern cultural space in the Seaside Park area of Liepāja – spacious and easily accessible to the city’s residents and appealing to its visitors.

The long-awaited reconstruction of the concert garden aimed to revive the more than century-old tradition of summer festivals and concerts in Liepāja, the music capital. This time, it features contemporary sounds on a more notable scale.

Preserving the historical location, functionality, usage, and technical concept of the site, a new complex has been created for concerts, performances, and other public events, including 1400 seats, with 34 of them designed for individuals with mobility impairments.

Under the guidance of project architect Mikus Lejnieks, the concert garden now features a larger wooden stage with acoustic wooden panel walls, a raised roof, a new two-story dressing room building, and improved audience access integrated into the overall area of Seaside Park. “Pūt, vējiņi!” meets all 21st-century event hosting standards and capabilities, ensuring better sound and visibility for event attendees than before.
